Cop That!
Hey All,I thought this was an interesting article in today's Northern Territory News (23 November 2005). Enjoy!!!!!! I really think this deserves a semi-Darwin award!!!
By ERIC TLOZEK 23nov05
A DARWIN pizza delivery man has been fined for speeding while taking pizza to police officers.
Tony Winh Truong was delivering a pizza to officers at the Peter McAulay Centre, NT Police headquarters, in Berrimahwhen he was pulled over on Vanderlin Drive.
Traffic police booked Mr Truong for doing 100km/h in a 80km/h zone.
They told him he could not drive any more and had to leave the car on the side of the road a few hundred metres from the centre. Mr Truong told the Darwin Magistrates Court yesterday he still delivered the pizza -- by walking up the road to the headquarters.
Magistrate David Loadman joked that officers booked the man because they weren't getting any pizza.
"What a nasty thing to do," he said. "I hope you had time to do something to the pizza before you gave it to them."
Mr Loadman said he was surprised that Mr Truong, who was unlicensed, had been summonsed to appear in the court instead of receiving an infringement notice.
He said the matter was a minor one and ordered Mr Truong to pay a $150 fine and an $80 victim levy.
He said Mr Truong had done the right thing by pleading guilty and co-operating with police -- especially by still delivering the pizza.
So, before you start to judge the poor delivery guy about the lateness of your pizza, think again, and remember the plight of Mr Truong!!!
Have a great day, and have a meat-lovers on me!!!!
Jack Handy Thought For The Day: Do you know what happens when you slice a golf ball in half? Someone gets mad at you. I found this out the hard way.
Anika, interesting story. All sorts of bizarre things, it seems, occur in Darwin.
Hope you're enjoying your day!
Tell me about it Yoomi!!! How are you these days?? I hope you are doing well!!!
I am doing very well. Life is giving me an easy time and I'm really enjoying everything. What about you??
I'm flying out to McArthur River mines today. I'll spend the night there and come back Friday evening. I'm slightly nervous/excited........
Glad you are enjoying yourself Yoomi!!!
I wish you all the best Anika. I hope you enjoy touring the mines but please beware of the yellow tractor. He has been known to frequent mines unfortunately so just keep a look out though he should be easy to spot against the dusty (typical mine) backdrop... Take care Anika and let me know how it goes!
Hey Anika, how was Friday???
Was okay actually, I'll write a post about it today hopefully!!
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