Monday, July 25, 2005

The Hardest Time Of Life

What actually IS the hardest time of our lives?? I was told in year 12, that it was the hardest time in my life. Hmmm...........I don't agree with that. In fact, I found year 12 to be alright. Perhaps this is because I'm looking at it in hindsight. It was probably the hardest time I'd ever faced in my 17 years on earth, but probably not the hardest time I've ever faced in my 22 years on earth. In fact, I'm going through probably the hardest time of my life right now. I think I have too many choices, and options to choose from and I have people's feelings to take into consideration, and money to think about and who knows what else!!! "Welcome to adulthood" I hear you all say, and I say "yeah, thanks".

However, there are many hard times in people's lives, for example, being born is apparently the hardest thing you'll ever do because your body undergoes so much stress. My mother had me by Cesarean Section, so I guess I didn't really go through a hard time, though, she on the other hand, probably did.

Then you hear of people who's hearts break when they have to tell their kids they don't have enough money to buy them that fancy toy they wanted. Are they SERIOUS?? What about the people in third world countries who don't even have to tell their kids they are going to die soon because they don't have food to eat, because the kids know it themselves!! Is that particular point in time the hardest in their lives, or is it their WHOLE life that is hard, and one more thing like that isn't going to make it any harder??

Man, I'm really getting worked up about this. I think it stemmed from this guy from the "Save the Children Foundation" talking to me about sponsering a child through them even though I told him I already sponser one through World Vision. However, I would be able to help children in Australia through this fund, so I was told. This was yesterday and I stood there and listened to him for a while and said I would prefer if I could make a one off donation, however, he wouldn't hear of it and was even reluctant for me to check out their website, because I told him I wanted a bit more information. He then told me he was a walking talking brochure!!! Argh!!! Anyways, I told him I'd give it a bit more thought and went on my merry way.

Then, today, I saw him again. He asked me "did you think about it??" I said "yes, and I've decided not to do it because I already sponser a child through World Vision". He then asked me how much I pay per month and where my child was from. I told him "Africa" and then he said, "you could sponser a child from Asia or help a child in Australia for less than that". I got a bit peeved as it really seemed to me like he was trying to get me to choose between races, and we all know that is not acceptable. I then told him I would prefer to sponser a chlid in Africa because the Australian Government offers some support to Australian children, much more support than the African government. I think it was then that he realised that I was a hard sell, and it was NO DEAL!!!

I supported his cause, but honestly, he was too in-your-face for my liking!!!

Jack Handy Thought For The Day: To me, it's always a good idea to always carry two sacks of something when you walk around. That way, if anybody says "Hey, can you give me a hand?" you can say, "Sorry, got these sacks."


At Tuesday, July 26, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Anika,

I sponsor a kid through Save the Children. I can understand exactly where you're coming from. I think that if I'm being ripped off and the money isn't going where I'm hoping it's going, well at least my intentions were in the right place but if my money is genuinely helping someone even a little bit, I thin that's good. You have to remember that these 'charities' or whatever you want to call them have sales people on the street and they are looking to sell something.


P.S. I'm reading the da Vinci Code. I think it's darn brilliantly awesome

At Wednesday, July 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said... seems like some people (ahem, no need to mention names) have gotten a little slack with commenting :P How is your day going? Today, I'm going on one of my big days out and I'm going to wander around like a happy, lost soul. I'm glad I have at least one assignment out of the way. Take care!!!


At Wednesday, July 27, 2005, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

I hope you have a nice time wandering around. Where are you going?? The City?? To Kinokuniya?? Make sure you worship some books while you are there!!!

Yes, some people are getting slack!!!

At Wednesday, July 27, 2005, Blogger Mellie said...

SLACK!!! TRY BUSY DOING THEIR PhD's!!!!!! hehe now isn't the not commenting better than the elitest writing by the science geeks!!!

At Wednesday, July 27, 2005, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Hmmm...........can I phone a friend Eddie??

At Thursday, July 28, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said... Anika, you've used that've still got the 50/50 though :D


P.S. Finished the Da Vinci Code today. I thought it was brilliant!

At Thursday, July 28, 2005, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Yes, Kasun was getting right into it, which is good for him coz he hasn't read books for I have no idea how long!!!!

I must read it soon or else I'll feel ostracised!!

At Thursday, July 28, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's blooooooody brilliant my dear Anika. Hope you enjoy it!


At Thursday, July 28, 2005, Blogger Mellie said...

I haven't read it...

At Thursday, July 28, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah Mel, you HAVE to read it! :D


At Monday, August 01, 2005, Blogger Vidya said...

"Angels and Demons" I felt was better - although Dan Brown's writing style much the same in both books! YOu can almost just change the character names and move the setting a few 100 kms south and there is virtually no difference between the two books.

Hardest time of our lives: Would have to be the first few days after conception - Divide equally ... and you are literally set for life! :P

At Tuesday, August 02, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol...for few days after conception...I like your attitude Vidya :P


P.S. I've yet to read Angels and Demons... Looking forward to more Dan Brown though

At Wednesday, August 03, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anika...I can't seem to find that bell we ring when someone's meant to update... I was sure it was around here somewhere. You haven't take it have you...I mean you might not want me to use it after all :P


At Thursday, August 04, 2005, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Hehe, I'm a bit busy at work these days. I'm doing someone else's job whilst she is on holiday. It's kind stressful.....

At Monday, August 08, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear, I hope that things work out well and the stressful times pass quickly :)


At Monday, August 08, 2005, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Hehe, yes. What are you up to these days Yoomi??

At Monday, August 08, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing much really...reading, writing and finalising everything related to my uni project. How's Kasun and the family? You haven't mentioned them for a while...

Good day!


At Thursday, August 11, 2005, Blogger Vidya said...

*clears throat loudly*

At Thursday, August 11, 2005, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

*Gives Vidya a strepsil*

At Thursday, August 11, 2005, Blogger Vidya said...

*gives strepsil bakc and clears throat loudly again* *points to date on last post*

At Sunday, August 14, 2005, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

*laughs and dances around a tree in Sweden with Mr K*

At Sunday, August 14, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol...Ummm, instead of clearing your throat, what about we get to work finding that update bell?


P.S. I like these blogs. They can be quite funny...

At Monday, August 15, 2005, Blogger Vidya said...

Anika - you back from Sweden yet?? How is Mr. K??

Yumna: yes... they can be raaather amusing...

At Monday, August 15, 2005, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Nope not yet, sometime later this week I believe!!! BTW, GOD MORON to you all!!!

I repeat, GOD MORON!!!!

At Monday, August 15, 2005, Blogger Vidya said...

GOd Moron to you too!

Q: What does Anika's blog and the Travelling journal have in common?

A: Both of them are talked about incessantly but neither has been written in! :P

At Monday, August 15, 2005, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

*gasps inwardly*

Vidya, you are becoming too sarcastic for your own good!!

Great joke though!!


At Tuesday, August 16, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol...I thought that was really funny!!! Applause for Vidya please...


At Tuesday, August 16, 2005, Blogger Vidya said...


*bows at applause*

At Tuesday, August 16, 2005, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Here, here!!!

Jolly good show, old chap!!!

At Wednesday, August 17, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old chap!!!
What a delightful choice of words! :D


At Thursday, August 18, 2005, Blogger Anika From Darwin said...

Hurrah!! Happy Daffodil Day to all!!!


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